Take52 Challenge
– Week 10
It was meant to be. To continue building on my photography skills and to continue building my idea bank I had been studying other photographs of feet. Knowing there would soon be a new arrival to our family, I had been studying photographs of baby feet. There’s something about those fleshly wrinkled feet. Through days of studying photographs I had seen so many tiny toes that there were absolutely adorable. But none seemed to be of newborns.
Only hours after the challenge was assigned for the week, the newest member of our family was born, a gorgeous baby girl. It was one of the longest days of work. I wanted to up and leave as soon as I heard the news. It was tough; I had been there at the time of M's and K's births, Baby M’s two brothers.
After sitting through the day of work, I was finally able to make my way to the city I grew up in. After nearly an hour of driving to the hospital I was able to see Baby M. Upon arrival there were others in the room, all ooing and ahhing over this cute little thing. Thankfully, they did not stay long. Then it was time for me to have Baby M in my arms, I held her pretty well the whole two hours I was there. I’m sure many of you know there is nothing like the warmth of the sweet body against yours. The tiny little hands wrapped around your finger, the chubby little legs wanting to be eaten. Every little part of their body is so precious.
If you read between the lines, I refused to give Baby M up. It was only when she began fussing for her snack that I gave her back to T, her mommy. It was during this time that I snapped a few photographs. After all her mom’s friends had bundled her up, putting her in a bunting bag, and putting mitts on her feet, yes, that’s right…mittens on her feet, that I unbundled her to take a photo of her “Little Piggies.”
I am not one hundred percent in love with the composition of this photograph. However, I did not want to disturb her while feeding, then immediately sleeping. There will be time for more photos. I do love the colour though, it's a great representation of how pinkish/blue her little feet actually were.
And of course, I couldn’t post a photograph of Baby M’s feet without sharing a couple of photographs of her precious face. She is a sweet little girl in pink. I can only imagine with being the "little sister" to two "big brothers" that she will be spoiled, dressed up like a doll, and given anything she wants. I can see that she already has so many of us wrapped around her little toes. Mind you, I'd pretty well drop anything I was doing for her brothers M & K too. And of course, that she will be well "protected" by her brothers.
Aperture Priority; ISO 3200; Shutter 1/80; Aperture f4.5; Focal Length 52mm; ev 0; WB – Warm-White Fluorescent
After hearing, or recognizing already, the sound of the camera's shutter, Baby M woke up just enough to flash a smile. Or perhaps she's laughing at all of us, wondering why there are so many photographs being taken of her. And she finds our actions amusing to her.
Aperture Priority; ISO 3200; Shutter 1/100; Aperture f4.5; Focal Length 52mm; ev 0; WB – Warm-White Fluorescent; Black & White was done with editing
Today was more about preserving the moment of time. Creating a memory. There will be many more opportunities for me to take the time for the perfect pose. Although, I think that she looks pretty perfect. I still have many ideas roaming around in my head. I can’t wait until the next time, I have a chance to see her again. It’s hard to live so far away.
As always I welcome any thoughtful critiques.
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