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January 06, 2013

Celebrating the New Year

Take52 Challenge – Week 1

There is always something worth celebrating in life.  It’s important not just to simply the “special” moments when we have planned or scheduled celebrations; but to remember to celebrate the “ordinary” and the everyday occasions as well.

As part of my Take52 Challenge I selected a photograph I took while snowshoeing around Lost Lake in Whistler, BC with my brother and his fiancé Johnny.  This year for Christmas I put only a few items to purchase on my Wishlist, the main component of my wishlist was activities to do with the “giver” to create memories.  Why have someone buy me something I can easily go to the store to get myself.  I’d much rather be able to spend time creating memories with those I love.

One activity I placed on my Wishlist was a day snowshoeing.  My brother, Houston, and Johnny had planned a day for us to drive to Whistler, snowshoe around Lost Lake on some of the most beautiful trails, and warm-up while sitting in the Village sipping on our coffees.  It was a gorgeous, bluebird day; I was almost disappointed I wasn’t boarding instead.  But due to their upcoming yearlong cycling trip throughout Asia, they didn’t want to risk any injuries.  I don’t blame them at all.

I found myself carrying the camera ready to shoot everything I encountered.  The white contrasting with the blue sky and the green of the firs peaking through was stunning.

I’ve whittled the hundreds of photographs I took that day to two. 

The following photography is of an ornament hanging from a Christmas tree along one of the trails.  From this Christmas tree you can look over to the runs on Blackcomb Mountain.  Although I didn’t want to focus on the runs themselves, I wanted all focus to be on the ornament in celebrating the Christmas season.

Aperture Priority; ISO 400; Shutter1/1250; Aperture f22; Focal Length 35mm; ev -4.0; WB Flash*

The second photography is of Houston and Johnny posing along the trail.  I was more interested in telling the story about our day snowshoeing; that’s why I focused on the trail sign instead of the two of them in the background.  However, it was important for me to include them in the photograph, otherwise the whole story wouldn’t have been told.  You may not be able to recognize their features but to me the scream.

Aperture Priority; ISO 400; Shutter 1/400 ; Aperture f5.6; Focal Length 35mm; ev 0; WB Flash*

I love the fact that I’m able to celebrate the beginning of the New Year with Houston and Johnny.  Over the past couple of years I’ve tried more and more to make an effort to spend quality time with my close friends, those that I consider family, and family.  As a bonus was able to start off the New Year in fine form doing something active and outdoors.

This New Year’s Day I was celebrating family, new beginnings, healthy/active lives, and the beauty of nature.

*I must have accidently chosen a White Balance of Flash.  Most of the day I spent with my White Balance in Daylight, Shade, or Cloudy.

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